Society has conditioned us to believe that abortion is the end of a developing life.


Why did Roe v. Wade have to be overturned?

Why did 4 or 5 (I don't remember right now) people have to decide that women's lives are less important than just a couple of cells?

If what pro-lifers say is true, that "life begins at conception" (which I think is pure B.S.), then why isn't my birthdate listed as the moment I was conceived?

SIMPLE ANSWER: Because it doesn't begin at that moment. It begins when you are born. The overturn is the most heinous thing that the US government has done to women. As many have put it, girls and women have less rights than GUNS.

As a pro-choice person, I call for the reversal of this overturn and making abortion legal again in all 50 of US states and in US dependent territories (eg. Puerto Rico)

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